A socioeconomic tour initiated a few weeks earlier in his constituency was the idea NOUHOU BELLO, the new Senior Divisional Officer (SDO) of the Ocean Division, to get acquainted not only with the Port of Kribi, but also to take stock of the implementation level of each of the other facilities forming the Kribi Port Industrial Complex, a great Vision of the overarching projects.
The tour started with a visit of the SDO at the Head Office of PAK. This was the occasion for Patrice MELOM, the General Manager, to make an overall presentation of the Port whose facilities are built on a 26,000-ha land and the Phase 2 construction works underway.
Impressed by this presentation, NOUHOU BELLO commended the Top Management for the relentless effort put in making the Port a reference on the Atlantic side of the Gulf of Guinea in a very short time. He then assured to be fully ‘‘available to provide all the necessary support so that the Port of Kribi can fully play its role as an engine of the national and even sub-regional economyprovide all the necessary support so that the Port of Kribi can fully play its role as a powerhouse of the national and even sub-regional economy’’. Then came the visit of the logistics and port area, located 35 km from the city. At Mboro, the SDO visited the Harbour Master’s Office, the container terminal and the multipurpose terminal with brief presentations on the concession holders and key figures on their respective operational activities.
The SDO continued with the visit of the logistics and industrial zone, a large plot of hundreds of hectares divided in specialised areas and with already more than forty companies established. A few stops were made namely at TRACTAFRIC (assembly of construction equipment), ASPAC (cocoa-processing factory), SEPBC (timber and wood products).
Each time, the managers presented their respective companies and explained the role that each of them intends to play in the development of Kribi and the Ocean Division in general. The SDO expressed his great satisfaction and once again promised to make sure, for instances within his purview, that any hurdle that might occur and impede the smooth run of the Port will be tackled.