Achievements and promises of an ambitious port
By Patrice MELOM – General Manager of PAK

The Port Authority of Kribi (PAK) has just developed a more modern, interactive, functional and ergonomic website to simplify navigation for Internet users.
Through a comprehensive and forward-looking approach that includes all the components of the information chain as well as the new opportunities offered by the evolution of digital technology, PAK has revamped its website to meet new communication requirements and meet the public's information needs, particularly with regard to products and services offered to its customers.
The new website highlights the dual positioning of the Port of Kribi as an essential platform for maritime trade between Central Africa and the rest of the world, and as well as the major achievement on which Cameroon's industrialization ambitions bank on, based on our values of Clarity, Innovation and Agility.
As a breakthrough port by excellence, the Kribi logistics platform is a real opportunity for regional economies in general and especially those of the CEMAC zone. Located at a strategic distance, it is definitely positioned as a preferential gateway for serving the hinterland countries, other Central African countries and even neighbouring Nigeria.
Through the maritime lines converging towards Kribi, it is clear that, in addition to the undeniable comparative advantages of our Port, significant progress is being made every day to make our logistics zones operational, and in compliance with safety and environmental standards, to secure traffic flow and facilitate the crossing of our corridors.
Our ambition is to continue to expand our equipment and facilities, to strengthen our quality management system, which places customer satisfaction at the heart of the decision-making process, to continue to provide our administration with dedicated tools that prioritize speed in processing requests, and to increase the level of service to our customers, including nautical services, targeted investment policy and pricing, concession management, streamlining procedures.
An attractive, competitive Port is a destination that combines diligence in the handling of ships, goods and requests, ensures safety and security and makes customer relations a close management. This is our daily task, thanks to our first asset, our human resource, our fully paperless tools and procedures, and our partners with whom, every day, we do better than ever before.
Welcome to the website of the SMART PORT, ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS of Kribi!