As Kribi is positioning itself daily as the pivotal port for international trade in the Central African sub-region, it becomes obvious for development partners to show particular interest.
It is this interest that Nele VOORSPOELS, Port Projects Manager at the Port of Antwerp International (PAI) and Jean-Christophe CHARLIER, Analyst at the Belgian Cooperation Agency (ENABEL) came to express in person during a two-day working visit carried out at full speed and comprising of three key moments.
- Critical issues of common interest discussed
First, the working session with BAKO HAROUNA, the Deputy General Manager of PAK, together with several senior officials on this occasion, namely: Yves MELINGUI, Head of the Division of Studies, Projects and Cooperation (in charge of following up the framework partnership agreement); Jean Marcel BELINGA, Information Systems Manager, Alain Patrick MPILA AYISSI, Development and Environment Manager and Michaël MAMA, Operations Manager.
Discussions explored the possibilities to renew the partnership agreement between both ports. On this issue, both parties reviewed specific and strategic issues that could be included in the new framework agreement. Another issue was the operation of the Port, especially through its development projects and the logistics flows in the sub-region.
Later, the working session turned into a presentation done by Yves MELINGUI on the Port of Kribi. The presentation showed sustained growth over the past three years with significant market shares in the transhipment and domestic traffic segments. The ambitious development plan of the Kribi Port area and its environment, as well as the digitisation of procedures were equally mentioned.
- A wide range of activities and operators in the logistics zone
The guided tour of the Port facilities in Mboro allowed the Belgian delegation to discover the container and multi-purpose terminals, as well as the fire brigade barracks and the extension of phase II of the Port. Both guests were impressed by the quality and size of these infrastructures. The stop in the logistics zone enabled them to discover not only the current level of occupation of the zone, but also and above all the diversity of activities and operators already established, such as the water supply project for the Port and its outbuildings, led and funded by a company, ASPAK, with Belgian capital.
This working visit ended with an interview, this time with Patrice MELOM, the General Manager of PAK at the Head Office Building. This was an opportunity for him to give a briefing on the history of PAK since the start of its operational activities in March 2018 and on the gradual and methodical implementation of a managerial model that has helped achieve these first visible results. For his hosts, it was an opportunity to reaffirm the availability of Belgian expertise to develop the logistics zone and finalise the digitisation of procedures. This was a way for these early partners to contribute to reinforcing the influence of the Port of Kribi in the Central African sub-region. A helping hand that will certainly find a favourable echo insofar as «much remains to be done, in terms of developing the capacities of the Port of Kribi and improving the market shares to be captured along the Gulf of Guinea. To achieve this, the partnership with the Port of Antwerp has become an important lever in our quest for growth,» Patrice Melom concluded.