Madam kindly tell us about AFPAK, the motives behind its creation and most especially its missions.
The Women Association of the Port Authority of Kribi, abbreviated “AFPAK” is a professional association set up during the constituent assembly held on 8 February 2019 in Kribi and which has around a hundred members. It was necessary to set up AFPAK as we realized that most women at the Port Authority of Kribi hold administrative positions and very few were involved in strictly port activities (piloting, port safety and security). Therefore, you easily understand that the major mission of AFPAK is to promote appropriate activities aiming at integrating women in the port sector in the company and contributing to attaining PAK objectives. In addition, AFPAK mission is equally to carry out activities to foster the development of women working in the maritime sector (fishery).
For its first official activity, AFPAK decided to organize a sensitisation workshop. Why did you choose this activity and the theme of port safety?
As explained above, AFPAK major mission is to contribute to attaining PAK objectives. The Port Authority of Kribi, one of the key achievements of the President of the Republic, aims to become a regional hub, just like TANGER MED.
In this regard, it is necessary to attract shipowners and investors. As concerns this, we know that since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the major concern of shipowners and investors is safety. The workshop therefore aimed at raising the awareness of the stakeholders of the port community on the need to comply with safety standards prescribed by the ISPS Code. It is worth mentioning that the Port Authority of Kribi is ISPS certified since 23 March 2018.
Finally, Madam, what is your opinion of this first experience and what does the association plan in terms of activities?
This first experience was satisfactory in general with an attendance of 123 participants. Recommendations made by participants at the end of the workshop will surely enable us to improve the organization of future events. Concerning the activities planning, we intend to hold the first AGM in order to adopt the action plan and the 2020 budget. I would like to specify that as concerns 2020 activities, we plan inter alia to sensitise women in the fishery sector on the need to protect seas and oceans.