Business center
The geostrategic positioning and the quality of the infrastructure of the PAK allow the development of business opportunities in the short, medium or long term. Investment opportunities around the port can be implemented, including:
- The location of processing units or distribution centers with the advantage of reducing costs and logistical delays
- The development of port services for ships, the operator and port users
- The development of commercial activities (supply, storage and long-term storage, outdoor stores under customs, fleets, insurance agencies, ...)

- The valuation of primary activities (oil, petrochemicals, steel and non-ferrous metals, chemicals, grains, wood processing, ...)
- Secondary activities (machine and tools, transport, car construction, ...)
- The implementation of a platform for the import-export of products and formation of a traffic basin for shipowners
- Shortest transit time advantageous for the use of refrigerated containers
- Establishment of B / L Direct to Chad and the CAR
- Lines and Services live from Europe
- Improved transit time with fewer stops
- Intermodal solutions dedicated to Chad, CAR, Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon.