The Lagon Hotel in Kribi was the venue of the event aiming at raising awareness on the need to comply with safety standards at the Port of Kribi and which was organized by the Women Association of the Port Authority of Kribi (AFPAK). Targeting mainly the stakeholders of the Kribi Port community, this unprecedented workshop was marked by two highlights: the official opening ceremony by the General Manager of the Port Authority of Kribi, M. Patrice MELOM, and the plenary sessions made up of three presentations tackling port safety issues.
In his opening speech, PAK General Manager confirmed that “such gatherings are key moments of concertation between the various stakeholders operating in the Port of Kribi and reflect the dynamics of the issue of women’s participation in the development of the maritime sector”. Patrice MELOM then congratulated his female staff for organizing this event on the key issue, compliance with port safety standards.
Throughout presentations, it was noted that port safety was truly implemented by the United States in the aftermath of 11 September 200. During the General Meeting of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) held the same year, members States discussed the ways and means to be adopted to reinforce ship and port safety. Since 1 July 2004 the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, has come into force. This code allows for the harmonization and standardization of procedures, thus facilitating trade.
Hence, today safety is among the key elements that favour attractiveness, credibility and competitiveness of a port.