PAK Wows its Prospects

A delegation from the British High Commission in Cameroon visited the Port of Kribi and held a working session with the General Manager Patrice Melom and his staff at the port on 28 August. The British delegation came to explore British trade and investment opportunities at the Port of Kribi.

A total of 35 prospects (freight forwarders, economic operators, traders and importers) from the city of Douala took part in this first edition of “Inside the PAK”. This initiative is part of PAK’s marketing strategy and reflects its Top Management’s desire to reach out and listen to its target clients to offer them tailored services. This initiative is geared not only at consolidating relationships between the port and economic operators, but also at promoting the strategic advantages offered by the Port Authority of Kribi as part of the national and international logistics chain. SOTEX CAM, DOUMACO Sarl, SOREPCO, PIGNOLE Sarl, CAFSHIP, SECO POWER and several other companies took part in this immersive experience.

Saadou Mohamadou, Technical Adviser No.1, presided over a working session held by Michael MAMA, Manager of the Operations Department, at the Emergence conference room. The guests listened to a detailed presentation, which gave them insight into PAK’s origins and the services it offers. Participants were informed about the number of vessel calls that have been made since 2018, the assets of the Port of Kribi, highlighting the characteristics of Phase 1, the performance of the terminals and PAK’s development projects. These discussions also shed more light on some issues raised by potential clients such as export tariffs, the application of a congestion charge and the cost of transporting goods from the Port of Kribi to Douala. After the working session, it was time for the hands-on immersion at the Port. Guests had the privilege of discovering the Port’s logistics infrastructure by touring the Mboro site. Didier KINSOEN, General Manager of the Kribi Multipurpose Terminal (KMT) welcomed them, and they were able to take a closer look at logistics operations, from loading to unloading, and discover the cutting-edge technologies used to optimise these processes. A presentation by Didier KINSOEN on the bulk terminal’s performance and handling capacity enlightened them. The tour continued at the Container Terminal and in the logistics and industrial zone, giving participants an overview of the facilities available to shippers wishing to establish themselves in this zone. The visit ended with a cocktail reception.

The prospects were satisfied with the wealth of information shared and the quality of the infrastructure visited. This experience did not only give them more insight into the assets of the Port of Kribi, but also enabled them to look forward to future collaborations. Through this quarterly programme, the Port Authority of Kribi is reasserting its key role in the economic development of the sub-region and it looks forward to a bright future, full of business opportunities

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